Bardo on the way!

Bardo on the Way es un viaje donde la razón se diluye y las emociones toman el control, guiándote por los caminos sinuosos de Australia en busca de lo auténtico, lo inesperado, lo que nos hace vibrar.

Bardo, un nómada en constante transformación. Un ser que navega entre la vida y la muerte, el caos y el orden, la luz y la oscuridad. Un fotógrafo errante que comparte sus experiencias, tejiendo historias con las hebras del destino.

Este viaje no es solo un recorrido por un país lejano, sino un viaje interior. Un descenso a las profundidades del ser para descubrir quiénes somos realmente, más allá de las máscaras y las expectativas sociales. Un canto a la libertad, a la aventura y a la conexión con la naturaleza.

En el camino, uno se encuentra a sí mismo y a personajes extraordinarios. Personas que desafían las normas, que rompen con las convenciones y que viven con pasión e intensidad. Sus historias son un faro de esperanza en un mundo que muchas veces parece perdido.

Un viaje sin mapas ni brújulas, donde la intuición es la única guía. Un viaje donde las emociones nos llevarán a lugares que jamás imaginamos. Un viaje que nos transformará para siempre.


Meeting the Mysterious Old Man: My First Step into the Spiritual Realm | Moto Vlog Ep 1

Sometimes the stories begin, and we don't have anything ready. This is my first step recorded in this history, in Port Douglas. A couple of events led to encountering someone very particular.

The 1st step to change your life
Sometimes the stories begin, and we don't have anything ready. This is my first step recorded in this history, in Port Douglas. A couple of events led to encountering someone very particular.
Fairy Jenny: Secrets to connect with the nature

In the vibrant market of Kuranda, amidst an amalgamation of stalls exuding colors and fragrances, one stood out for its magical essence. There, amidst the crowd, I discovered an extraordinary being: Fairy Jenny, a glimmer of magic embodied in a unique corner. With palpable eagerness, Fairy Jenny was ready to unveil her story of a deep connection with the earth. Her eyes sparkled with the essence of nature, and her presence exuded the very essence of magic that even the most disconnected could perceive. Amidst laughter and melodies floating in the air, Jenny shared her journey, where each step was marked by the dance of the earth and the harmony of music.

Sound Healing: Oden's Wisdom on Harnessing the Power of Music for Spiritual Growth

Immerse yourself in an extraordinary conversation with Oden, a musical maestro and sound healer, as he unveils the profound significance of sound and music in shaping our lives. In this captivating interview, Oden passionately shares his insights into the transformative power of sound, illustrating how it intricately intertwines with our energies, serving as a gateway to connect with a higher entity. Beyond the mere auditory experience, Oden delves into the vibrational language of music, portraying it as a sacred force capable of unlocking new realms of consciousness. Explore the harmonious frequencies that resonate with our inner selves, creating a powerful conduit for spiritual elevation. Join us on this enlightening journey as Oden articulates the role of sound in guiding humanity towards a heightened state of awareness. Discover how music becomes a catalyst for our collective evolution, bridging the gap between the earthly and the divine. This interview goes beyond words; it's an invitation to explore the symphony of existence, where each note contributes to the cosmic melody of our being. Are you ready to tune in and elevate your understanding of sound, music, and the spiritual evolution of our species? Dive into the cosmic frequencies with Oden, where every sound becomes a stepping stone towards a deeper comprehension of ourselves within the vast classroom we call Earth. Embark on this sonic odyssey with Oden, and let the harmonies guide you towards a richer understanding of your spiritual journey.



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